Tuesday, June 14, 2011

my Eat, Pray, Love-ish summer

1. LiveMocha, learn French, maintain and enhance Spanish
2. Consistent Physical Activity: Securing a place to do some yoga (Kundalini, perhaps), bike-riding
3. Guitar Practice (and i bought a violin on a whim/eBay daily deal)
4. WRITING. I'm creating a couple projects for myself in poetry, nonfiction and fiction. Which could be a bit overwhelming but I'll take my time & just try to consistently write everyday. It'll all come together.
5. Reading. This one is a doozy. I have to resist the urge to take the whole Philadelphia Free Library home with me. I have recommendations and things I wrote down that I didn't get a chance to read in college and from random encounters/articles. Gah. One step at a time tho.
6. Oh, and going out every once and a while.
7. Figuring out how to be out of the US by this time next year, if not sooner. 


Sunday, June 12, 2011

note to self.

1. finding songs/even whole albums to listen to while i'm writing or just because they're beautiful/pleasing to my ears counts as being productive. Exhibit A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w28K4fgfgxw
2. write.
3. prioritize.
4. continue to dream your dream even if other people are dreaming overwhelmingly small if at all. only pay attention to the dreams of others that inspire me (those that are big, audacious, simple, necessary--- they can be a lot of things, they just can't be "Maybe you can'ts" or have room, time or energy for doubt. The space, time and energy are being fueled into realizing the dream not worries).
5. journal
6. dream journal (sleep stories)
7. stay true.
8. this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVIHo-0JKA8
9. learn to distinguish between fear and instinct. it will come.
10. consistency. permission. experience.